Formulation of the problem. The issue of improving the quality of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language is topical. The urgency of the subject is that the use of multimedia resources enriches the traditional lectures making the process of learning a language more interesting and improving the level of education of Ukrainian as a foreign language.
The purpose of the article. To characterize the importance of multimedia resources when forming the communicative competence of students in the process of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.
Research methods. In this research methods of analysis and synthesis, descriptive and empirical methods were used to find out the benefits of using multimedia resources, to form foreign language communication skills during the study of Ukrainian as a foreign language.
The use of multimedia resources, especially cartoons, in the practice of teaching Ukrainian language to foreigners has a number of important advantages, namely: increasing the ability of foreign students to get acquainted with Ukrainian realities, traditions, enriching foreign students' vocabulary, improving the phonetic, grammatical, syntactic skills, improving the ability to build monologues and dialogues, creating a supportive atmosphere in the classroom, implementing the principle of educational visibility.
Conclusions and perspectives. In order to better ensure the formation of students' foreign language communication skills of students while studying Ukrainian as a foreign language, it is expedient to use multimedia resources, in particular animated films, which allow observation of the unity of emotional and intellectual learning and the development of individual thinking. Perspective is the study of the use of foreign languages, as this allows foreign students to adapt to Ukrainian society and to enrich their vocabulary.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Language: codification, competence, communication

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