Problem statement. The topicality of the proposed article is related to the state of modern research in our country in the field of translation studies characterized by a considerable interest in the field of artistic translation as a special type of translation activity, namely, the study of methods and techniques for the adequate reproduction of the original text.
Purpose of the article. The purpose of the proposed research is the study of peculiar use of grammatical substitutions of parts of speech in the process of translation of the literary work “Labyrinth” by F. Durrenmatt into Ukrainian
Research methods. In the research process a number of methods were applied. A transformation method was used to study all possible transformation techniques during translation. A comparative method was used for the comparison of the structures of both languages and the establishment of their common and distinctive features. A contextual method was used to demonstrate the possibilities of choosing the translation methods if there is a certain context. The use of the component analysis enabled to reveal the values of the linguistic units of elemental content (seme), which allowed comparing the seminal composition of the original units and the translation to determine the degree of their correspondence.
Main results of the study. In order to reproduce the content of the artistic text adequately, the translator makes use of various techniques of translation transformations that completely or partially alter the structure of the sentences of the text of the translation. Translation from one language into another is impossible without grammatical transformations which, in the first place, should include the reconstruction of the sentence (change in its structure) and the replacement of both syntactic and morphological order.
Conclusions and perspectives. Based on a comparative analysis of the collection “The Labyrinth” by the Swiss writer F. Durrenmatt, and the Ukrainian translation by O. Logvynenko, we conclude that the interpreter used a significant number of grammatical substitutions. The main purpose of which was the creation of an adequate text, namely the achievement of the emotional influence, which the text source seeks to. The main reasons for using grammatical substitutions of the parts of speech is mainly the desire to overcome the differences between the system and the norm of the original language and the translation, to avoid literalisms as well as the unnatural expressions, and to use the grammatical constructions, corresponding to the norm of the Ukrainian language.
Keywords: translation transformation, grammatical replacement, replacement of parts of speech, adequate translation, motives for the use of translation transformations.
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